CRank: 5Score: 49820

@ gemugurl

Totally agree. Had lots of fun with it, some great nostalgia in it too...

4327d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Probably around the first week of March.....Usually a 4 month window...

Fun and really well done movie by the way....

4327d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great idea...Pay these people like Cameron Diaz got paid for doing the voice of Fiona in the Shrek movies 20 million per movie....The voices better be fantastic!

Then games can cost even more, and we the consumer get the honor of paying...

Get some talented actors not known, but with great/special sounding voices for 5% of what these stars get, these actors will be thrilled with 1 million for a couple of weeks of work...

Meanwhile's spect...

4327d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Interesting if it were Gears of Ray man or Prince of Gears...Seems to be treated like a free agent in sports. Perhaps watch dogs is something they have in mind? But it's probably something all new, I cannot see him being brought in to step on the toes of other already established in developement games.

Perhaps his own game with UBISOFT backing it?

4332d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yes I agree, it shows you truely have the option of playing it under the radar or guns a blazin...Or somewhere in the middle, great option of freedom.

4333d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Really looking forward to this game. Fun and stylish artwork, great lighting and color palette. With Ron Gilbert you can expect some real brain teasers, while having fun figuring them out. Looks like he has gone all out in giving this game some more updated gameplay to mix in with some old school adventure.

Take alook at this beauty in high rez...

You have great taste....

I also go back to **Lemmings and Bomberman** alot. Plus **LBP 1 & 2** never end with all the great community levels always pouring in...

4336d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ Knight_Crawler...

Yup, I cannot wait to see what this team will do on next gen systems... This game is full of win!

One of my top 5 games this gen....Should be on most peoples top 10 list's...

I cannot wait to see what they have cooking with there next game....

4336d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes there are... **Watch dogs** and **The Last of us** looking real special.

**Outlast** with former employees of Ubisoft and Naughty Dog looks interesting, and I like the reference to Assassin’s Creed and Prince Of Persia, with intense parkour-like chase sequences....

Not mentioned here but I am always in hopes for the new **Media Molecule** IP too...

4337d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think that we will always see artists strive to get as close to real as possible, it's a wide scope from people who like realism the most to people who like to get as far from realism the most...Even a mix of sci-fi realistic looking art.

Different styles in different games are always good, diverse choices, are always a good thing. With the new gen around the corner I think even more realism will be sought in characters and environments.

I personally wa...

4337d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wish Sir Daniel Fortesque would return in his own game, I would love to see what the design team would come up with on the PS4? I am sure it would be beautiful, and the gameplay even more in depth...

4338d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would love to see the return of an all new **Oddworld**...Something whispered about, but vapor as of now...

**Dark cloud** has to return, it just has to, oh well it's on my all dream team list of games...

The next full fledged **Kingdom hearts** would be great to see coming this Fall/Holiday...

**Beyond good and evil 2** would be fantastic, perhaps now that Ancel has Rayman back in full force he can get BG&E 2 up and running...

4338d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

MP? I would'nt bet on it. My best guess would be a PSN and or Vita game...

4339d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I certainly hope they save it no matter which it ends up on the PS3 or PS4....

My bet its it will come out in the launch window of PS4 in early Spring 2014...But who knows at this point, possibly all the way late into 14' Holiday period to allow the user install base to grow....Either way I believe it is a title very much worthy of being saved and seeing the light of day...

4340d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Me too. Looks creative and lots of different interesting game play mechanics. Like the look too, nice style and color palette along with real nice lighting. Eccentric style and atmosphere. The whole game looks refined and fun.

I cannot believe that I have not heard anything of this until I saw it here at N4G...

4342d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can see 1 true blue AAA title making the "DAY 1" launch, with another 3 to 4 making it within the "launch window" of the PS4...

The Last guardian, the "Uncharted team" with whatever they are working on, Killzone 4, GT6, and of course Media Molecule's new IP would be beyond fantastic for me to name a few... And I am always looking for that new big IP, which I am sure is being made as I type...

4343d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think that would be better as a spin-off... That is too far from a proper Zelda game, the series is not in need of an almost total reboot, just a tweak here and there, a possible expansion into a sandbox style, but not a total overhaul, a spin off yes maybe, but not a total up-rooting IMO...

4348d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is this going to be another retread of a traditional, very safe designed Legend of Zelda in HD? I think the series needs to evolve while keeping to it's roots and what it does best.... Perhaps a seamless world would be a great start at evolving...

But Nintendo should be the ones to so this. Retro will probably do Metroid or F-Zero or an all new IP perhaps.......

4348d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes I cannot wait either. I love the collaboration with Level 5 and Studio Ghibli... A "playable cartoon" with style. It looks gorgeous, and the great thing is that there is more than aesthetics, this has great gameplay to go with the beautiful eye candy....

I also like the tactical commands option too...

Bring it on...

4349d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


4352d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment